Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

February 24: Prince Keith Moses’s full name is Prince Keith Moses Muwanguzi and he is famously known by the name “Prince Kmms”. When you look at the handsome, charismatic and well built body of Prince Kmms on his Instagram, the first thing which might strike our mind regarding his profession is that he is a sassy model but to your surprise he is much more. Entrepreneur Keith Moses is an accountant by profession, he’s also a nutritionist and personal trainer, life coach, pastor and also a wizard entrepreneur.

Born and raised in Uganda Kampala East Africa. He was called into ministry at the age of 15. He then built his own ministry by the name Reflection Relevant Global ministry. The ministry reaches out to the young youth and helps bring purpose into their lives. As the founder of Reflection Relevant Global ministry, Entrepreneur Keith Moses is driven towards Helping orphans and the less privileged families around the globe.

Entrepreneur Keith has been to over 40 countries preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and doing charity work to those in need. He believes that the purpose of his life is to help the young generation and to bring them back into the path of God.

Along with working as a Pastor, Entrepreneur Keith is also a professional life coach. He has thousands of clients, with whom he shares the secret of how to get the most out of their lives. Keith is a believer of “A healthy mind rests in a healthy body” and also helps his clients in their nutrition diet and daily routines so that they are able to get to their best potential.

With over 120k followers on his Instagram, Entrepreneur Keith actively shares his professional and personal life on his Instagram. To get in touch with this Maverick Entrepreneur you can contact him on his Facebook or Instagram. “Do not be egoistic, that’s the factor which can become an obstacle in terms of improvement and learning new things. Sit and make a concrete plan of action and then go for it as if there is no recourse. This is how you achieve the unachievable dreams.” Shares Entrepreneur Prince Keith Moses Muwanguzi.