Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Paradeep (Orissa) [India], August 20: In an epoch-making development, heavy-lift mining equipment comprising Haulpak dumpers and excavators, exported abroad through Paradip Port.

It is for the first time in the history of the premier seaport of Odisha, and pertinent to note that it was handled by Orissa Stevedores Limited (OSL).

The exporting firm, Thriveni Earthmovers Private Limited, is exporting 128 numbers of heavy as well as small equipment comprising 37 Haulpak dumpers and excavators of about 4500 metric tonnes (MT) to Taboneo Port in Indonesia. The cargo is to be used for mining activities there.

TP Roy Choudhury Private Limited and Orissa Stevedores Limited (OSL) are stevedores and exporters handling agents, respectively.

Heavy equipment is being loaded very carefully, keeping the safety of the ship and port in mind.

Though due to the low-pressure loading is being affected, the exporters and ship are taking all precautionary measures while loading the cargo.

More such type of exports will be done in future, informed the sources.